Saturday, 25 July 2015

First Day & Fabulous Freebies

Welcome to Samantha's Style. I am a first time blogger and now with time on my hands, decided to venture into the virtual world of Second Life to fulfill a fantasy of mine, to become involved in the fashion industry.

The photo, taken in a Linden house of a friend I met today, is of me after 12 hours of freebie shopping. It took me over thirty attempts to get a photo that was any good. My friend helped me with the windlight settings, hopefully my photographic skills will improve as I gain knowledge and experience.

Everything of Samantha and what she is wearing cost $0, that's right, everything is a freebie.

The suit is Indyra Originals for The Free Dove: Falon found at White Dove. The suit is absolutely gorgeous, if "Indyra" thinks this is freebie quality, I'm most certainly going to look at their main store. 

The hair is Hannah V1 D04 from sWEETHAIRs. They give a gift of any one of their hairstyles to avatars under thirty days old. You would be looking at around $L350 if you bought this retail.

The eyes are Ice Image Eyes, a group gift from Amacci.

My skin is Ashley Group Gift from Esode. I'm wearing the no cleavage version, with brows and teeth tattoo. In lieu of the teeth tattoo, you have the choice of a freckles tattoo or two lip colours.

The shoes are Coco Ankle Strap Sandals Gray a freebie from Coco Designs. These Coco shoes were the only freebie heels I found that fitted correctly. The others I tried had remnants of a foot shaper showing.

The body shape is Dulce Secrets Kiarai Shape. I am fairly sure I found that at either White Dove or Sexy Freebies Paradise. It is the shape for which I was looking, what else can I say.

Hopefully this is a help to at least one poor soul, until next time.   xxx Samantha

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