Friday, 21 August 2015

Magazine - Well my attempt anyway.

This magazine was never going to be published, it was just a little project to see if I could do it. Well anyway, here's my attempt at desktop publishing. I really would like some FEEDBACK. I know it's not of a quality of the professional magazines coming out of Second Life, but hopefully both quality and quantity will improve with experience and your feedback.

And voilĂ 

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Just a little advise from a 6yrs Super Model. Getting an outfit out of a box and wearing it is not what models or stylist are supposed to do. A stylist has to be creative and mix and match at least 3 or 4 different designer's outfits to make one outfit to wear. Even just a blogger is supposed to do that too. Anyone can buy an out of the box outfit and wear it but that's not styling. Take my advise while you're new to SL and Fashion and you will go far. Use your imagination to the fullest and you can be very successful. Otherwise, you look good for all freebies. Blue
